Friday, October 28, 2005


On my day off yesterday, I cleaned out Haven's closet and got rid of a bunch of stuff she didn't use or need. I also switched her summer clothes with fall/winter. We took a few things to the Salvation Army and I explained to Haven why we were taking her toys 'away'--I told her that there were kids who didn't have a lot of toys or things to play with and we were giving them to those kids. She said 'Okay mommy'. So that night when Micah got home and we were eating dinner, we were telling him about our day and what we did and she said 'We took my toys to kids'. And Micah asked why and she said 'Because they didn't have any'. And it just made me realize that she isn't a baby anymore, that she is growing up and she does realize what I am saying, even though sometimes I don't give her as much credit b/c I forget about how smart she is. I am just praying that she comes to know Him at an early age and is able to bring Him glory through all she says and does.
Okay, I am a believer in the Lord speaking to us through our dreams, it's just sometimes, when they seem so real and vivid, and it's something that you have been wanting, sometimes you don't know if it's just you or Him. I had a really vivid dream last night, one that was so real, I woke up so sad and almost 'empty' inside. I prayed about it immediately, I just don't know if it was from the Lord or not. It was just really hard because it's one of those things that just stays with you all day and that is all you think about. I have just been giving it over to the Lord and trusting that He knows my heart.
Enjoy the weather this weekend--


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