Friday, October 21, 2005

Walker, Texas Ranger

Okay, so many of you may not know, but I am a Walker, Texas Ranger fan. You know, Chuck Norris and all his karate moves. They cancelled the show a few years ago and then showed re-runs on the USA network which I watched regularly. Now, on Sunday, they made a TV movie and it rocked! I am such a big fan of fighting movies. (i.e. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, House of Flying Daggers, Hero)Those kind of movies, action, not just guns and shooting. Anyway, it was really good and I watched it last night since we didn't get a chance to watch it on Sunday. I can't believe how old Chuck Norris is and he is still in shape. He is like in his middle 60's I think. In the show, he had a daghter and he had married the assistant DA Alex. Well, she got shot last night at the very end of the show and crumpled to a heap on the floor, so you know that there will be another one. YAY!! Anyway, I guess it's quite sad that I am so excited. Micah was like, 'Ugh, I don't really care' but I actually couldn't sleep after watching b/c I was trying to figure out what was going to happen in the next one.
Enough of that, I am going to be going to a family reunion this weekend. Not too thrilled, but I haven't been in a few years and they have it every year, so I feel like I need to go this year. It's in Oklahoma, and my cousin Erin will be there, so that helps a lot, so we can keep each other sane through the whole thing. I'll let you know how it goes. I am just praying that I can share with others how good the Lord is. My mom got home from Israel on Tuesday afternoon and she is doing good. She will be there as well, so we'll get to catch up somewhat and she'll be able to share about her trip.
Have a great weekend!!


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