Thursday, September 15, 2005

Being Stubborn

Yesterday was work day for me and play day for Haven at Ms. Katherine's. I picked her up about 5:00 so that we could go to Bible Study group at 6:00. Katherine told me that Haven was in time out for squirting juice all over Kyle's (the older child) shirt. Haven would not apologize, so Katherine put her in time out until she did so. I myself, as well as Katherine, thought she would have apologzied right after realizeing she would have to stay in the chair until she did the deed. She sat in the chair from 12:45 until 5:00!!!!!!!!! (we barely made it to Bible Study group in time) She would absolutely not apologize. Even when I talked to her, she still didn't. I used their paddle to give her some incentive to do so, and she finally did, but barely where no one could hear her. Kyle was so sweet and forgave her, but man, it was tough!!! It was like pulling all her teeth out for some strange reason just to get her to apologize! So, she spent all day in the chair---crazy girl! I am so thankful that Katherine is 'helping' me teach Haven there are consequences to her actions and that we aren't going to back down!!! Man, I knew she was stubborn and strong willed, but she has never done anything like that before!!! I don't know where she gets it! Okay, so maybe I do. My mom gave me 'The Strong-Willed Child' once we realized Haven fit the mold. My mom had had it when I was little--go figure, me, strong willed?? I actually have the newer version by James Dobson, and I have read it and it's really good.
I have definitely been praying for wisdom and patience in raising her and teaching her how Jesus would want her to act, not just how her mommy and daddy want her to act. So, I'll let you know how things continue to go.
Off to see my grandma in Ft. Smith with my mom. My grandma had surgery on her hip, that was replaced a few years ago. She is doing good, but needs her Haven fix.:)
Enjoy the cool weather and the rain today!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kara- that's hilarious---I didn't hear you talk about this!!That crazy girl! That is so awesome that Katherine is doing that. In all the books I've read by James Dobson---bascially his method is summed up by---bust that butt!! Ha!
I love you-you know one day you're going to miss herand her antics-so, find and keep the humor about everything. Bless you mother!

7:41 AM  

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